Biden made me giddy with his enthusiasm, expert delivery for a former stuttered and his Truman "gives them hell" attitude. I think I see far in the political ocean the wave that will evolve into a blue tsunami come November

The "too old" MSM meme dissolved in Biden's irrepressible energy, the power of his thoughts and emotions and his successful needling of the MAGITES. I think I even saw Mike Johnson crack a smile, Senator Lankford was courageous and MTG played the ignorant buffoon flawlessly. Finally and perhaps most reassuringly was the handshake and touching as Biden came and left. Unlike the previous guy, it is clear Biden relishes politics at all levels. Speech grade = 95/100, a veritable homeowner into the people's bleschers.

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The way to win big is to hammer on Dobbs all day every day. Starting now. Ignore everything else and thereby get 100 million women to vote for Democrats.

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It was generally a good performance if a bit long. I would have liked to have seen the border issue brought up sooner as the Republican reactions would have been seen by more people.

I also wish he would slow down a bit as I think that tends to accentuate his stutter problem and trip him up. Unfortunately, unless cut sufficiently, it would get the speech back to unendurable length.

One regret is not enough people probably hung around for the Republican response. Relating a gang rape episode in a chirpy kindergarten teacher reading aloud voice was quite creepy.

On the other hand, featuring another supposed Republican "rising star" as a woman seemingly banished to the kitchen was perhaps the perfect MAGA touch.

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My only real disappointment was that he did not put on his sunglasses at the end and stare at the Republicans seated in front of him.

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Haha. I basically agree. If Obama gave the speech we saw last night, we'd obviously say "what the hell was off with him tonight!" But in non-relative terms it was solid, and it accomplished important things, imo.

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"The Democratic Party’s mantra, “look forward, not backward,” has been the death knell of accountability since 2008, but it’s a genuinely insane lodestar when their main opponent in the November election was president for one term just three years ago." Yup.

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Sure, I was pulling for Biden and so my perspective is biased, but dang!, the contrast between TFG and the President is so visible that it raised my optimism to a level not seen for some time. Policy proposals, bipartisan proposals, an appeal to our better natures, support for the middle class, fairer taxation, calling out the craven, treasonous actions of the MAGATs, how could a citizen not support President Biden?

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From reporting hate and there, Biden campaign well aware much of their electorate still "checked out",. Unlike the constantly agitated R base, they follow the old practice of "tuning out'" between elections deToqueville noted. Thus they take in political news only in passing, only the headlines, which have been consistently and, I believe, deliberately unfavorable to Biden. SOTU demonstrated Biden knows what he's up against and what he's doing, and he is really up for it!

Speaking of deliberately unfavourable, see Lucian Trscott at Salon on the latest NYT/Siena poll (and NYT coverage generally)..that piece got Colbert's attention, core of his opening monologue Wednesday night. Read that, and your panic about polling will turn to anger that "the paper of record" is favoring Trump. And why not? Team R, Team Rich, Trump's their candidate and Biden's a threat.

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This was great. I think you ABSOLUTELY STUCK THE LANDING with, "That’s what it looks like when Biden’s winning." I think this needs to be literally the response to every stupid, nonsensical tantrum they throw between now and November. Don't even respond, don't comment, just say that. To my ear, you've found the holy grail of sentences. It's the elusive message we've all been searching for. Just say that, over and over. THAT'S WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE WHEN BIDEN'S WINNING. Perfect.

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Even my irony-poisoned heart swelled a bit at this speech. The only thing I thought he should have done was look back and wave at Mike Johnson. Just a little malarkey, as a treat.

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Not sure what the audience was for this speech, it started very late for the east coast. People will be consuming it through the filter of the msm and maybe comedy shows. Hope Biden campaign gets copious amounts of clips going on social. Make vigorous non-cognitively-challenged Joe go viral! Also, hammer that message as Brian laid out. A lot of time and not a lot of time (this speech will be forgotten) to the election. Oh, I donated $50 to the campaign. I hope they get a huge bump in donations. Don't waste my money guys!

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Any truth to the rumor that Chief of Staff Zients has been reading Off Message?

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I'll say...yes! (Have no knowledge, but the notion that it seems that way feels good.)

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"...Whether or not you believe their policies are wise or far-reaching enough, they are popular. Democrats know how to talk about them.." NO. Dems wouldn't be sweating an election against a rapist con man if they knew how to talk about their successes to most Americans.

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The problem is honestly not their messaging about policy. It's that policy is not riveting. This is the whole deal. Every election, Democrats talk passionately about health care, child care, etc. Some years they win and say "it's because our kitchen-table message broke through." Some years they lose and say "it's because our kitchen-table message didn't break through." But it's the same message! They're reasoning fallaciously, winning or losing based on phenomena other than policy and attributing the outcome to the effectiveness of their policy message.

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The only insurrection that happened in American history started in late 2015 and continues to this day against Donald Trump and perpetrated by the Democratic Party.The election was stolen and has been proven so 100x over with factual content.The fictional representation of Jan 6th,brought to you by the corrupt Washington establishment can’t even hold water today.

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Thanks Brian. But the speech to me sounded like typical partisan boilerplate. The usual us good them bad. He left the critical middle, those non-partisans who might go either way, untouched. Those who don't buy insurrection any more than great replacement. Yer gonna need them, with the nail-biter coming up.

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