How Biden Should Answer Trump's Nomination
Biden can't spend all his free-media time trying to dispel doubts about his age—whether he remains the candidate or not, this race needs to be shaken up. Here's one way.
It’s clear Joe Biden would rather not drop out of the race for president in favor of a younger, more nimble candidate.
It’s also clear that he’s on track to lose.
It’s not clear whether he fully realizes this, or whether he’s in denial about his trajectory. Perhaps his shrinking circle of close confidantes is misleading him.
But if he’s cognizant of his dire predicament, he knows he can’t just stick to a game plan that's placed him on a path to ignominious defeat. He can’t waste all his free-media playing whac-a-mole against frenzied coverage of his senior moments.
Even if he ultimately stands aside, there’s no reason he can’t spend more of this precious time prosecuting the case against Trump, and less of it making excuses for himself. He needs to shake up the race and act like an underdog. Here’s one way: