OCTOBER SURPRISE: Donald Trump A World-Class Piece Of Sh*t
Maybe some people just needed a few well-timed reminders and a moment to focus
What if this election’s October surprise contains no new information?
What if instead, it’s just a wrenching, sometimes funny process of getting a few million people to snap out if it and remember a couple things clearly.
I have lamented over the past couple years that after 2020, Democrats adopted a political approach designed to hasten the natural human process of forgetting. They did not want Donald Trump to be the main character in Joe Biden’s presidency, so they tried to put the former president out of mind. His antics and corruption (which continued into his post-presidency) fell out of the news.
Memories ebbed. We reimagined pre-pandemic days as paradise lost. And who was president then? Well, it was Donald Trump. Maybe we just didn’t appreciate how good we had it?
In the closing days of the 2024 election, people of stature who remember reality better have come forward with a simple message: To hell with that!
The reminders that are likeliest to break through to the public come from people who used to work for Trump. Blueprint Strategies, a Democratic message-testing firm, found that the most effective way to increase support for Kamala Harris is with a message telling voters, “Nearly half of Donald Trump’s cabinet have refused to endorse him. When Trump learned during the Capitol riot that his supporters were threatening to kill his own vice president, he said ‘so what?’ and refused to do anything to ensure the vice president was safe. Republican governors, senators, and House members have all said the same thing: we can’t give Trump another four years as president.”
It stands to reason that hearing something along these lines directly from those Republicans would be even more effective.